As a person who swear to be a world traveller, I am not proud to share this but nonetheless this is what happened, so be it.
When I embarked on my first solo trip adventure, I never imagined that I will meet my first bump on the road the moment I stood in front of the check-in counter. The person in charged looked perplexed and he made a phone call right on of me. I didn’t know until I asked, my passport has less than 6 months validity. It was short by 5 days.
SHIT! That was my first reaction.
Is this the end of my FIRST solo trip? It’s going to be so embarrassing since I just called my parents the day before and told them not to worry about me and now I can’t board the plane just because I forgotten to check my passport’s expiry date?!
I looked at the Air Asia officer and responded by saying that I have a return ticket believing it will make some difference and they’ll let me board the plane.
After speaking to his officer, I was told I can board the plane but he asked how on earth I planned a trip without noticing my passport’s expiration date. That’s embarrassing.
In my defence, I totally forgotten the existent of the 6 months validation rule. But then again, it’s not a valid excuse. It should have hit my mind when my boarding pass have a “Travel Documentation Verification” sign on it.
I was relieved at that moment and couldn’t stop thanking God that I passed my first “test”. So I went into the immigration hall like a movie star. Walking in-style while pulling a hand-carry luggage bag I borrowed from my sister. I walked towards the auto-gate and placed my passport there. Cool like a cucumber, I thought to myself.
“Passport Validation less than 6 months”
I wasn’t allowed to go pass it.
SHIT! That was my first reaction.
Again, is THIS the end of my first solo trip?
Keep calm Constance. Keep calm. Remember? Cool like a cucumber!
Oh God! Help me please! I chanted as I walked out from the auto-gate, acting as if nothing had happened and walked towards the counter.
I passed my passport to the officer and tried to charm him with my smile hoping it will shade a sun-shine like beam that will cover the fact that my passport has less than 6 months validity.
It didn’t work.
The officer looked at me and said I couldn’t pass through immigration because my passport has less than 6 months validity.
SHIT! That was my first reaction.
I panicked though I was still trying to pull of the cool as a cucumber act, I told him I have a return ticket with me and I’ll be flying back in 4 days time. Oh! And the AA check-in counter officer says that I can go.
Well done, Constance. Playing it cool by putting others in the game as well. Well done.
I judged myself.
He looked at me, worried. And asked if I want to take the risk of being sent back by Thai Immigration and pay a sum of money for penalty or something.
I practically wasn’t listening anymore as I just nodded my head all the way.
As long as I can pass through immigration, I thought. And I did.
In less than 5 meters from the immigration counter, I took out my phone and seek help from men’s best friend. GOOGLE.
I fed him the crucial information “Passport less than 6 months validity Bangkok” and I got mixed result.
Argh! Indecisive like a girl! So will I or will I not able to pass through Thai Immigration?
God knows! I prayed and sang the song “I surrender to Your love~ I surrender to Your love~”
For the next one hour, I didn’t went to McDonalds to have my breakfast as planned. Instead I waited faithfully in front of my gate and prayed to God for a miracle.
I wondered if I should just walk out from the airport, don’t take the risk and say good-bye to whatever adventure that’s ahead.
Finally, time to board the plane. The officer came and check our ticket and passport. He too looked perplexed.
SHIT! NOT AGAIN! Was again, my first reaction.
He took my passport and went and make a phone call. I followed him. Tired of all the drama and I did the only thing I knew. Pray.
I prayed for a miracle. I prayed for God to let me go to Bangkok and have a solo trip adventure I finally have the guts to embark. I prayed.
The officer on the other side told him it was fine for me to board the plane.
This time, I pushed even further and asked if there’ll be any problem in Thailand immigration. He made another phone call and after informing the officer that I have a return ticket, that officer too said is okay for me to board the plane. I double confirm with him again and he assured me that his officers said it is fine as he too do not what me to fly so far just to be sent back the moment I touch down.
I felt a little bit more reassured by this kind AA officer and I boarded the plane.
And how I did I deal with my uncertainty and anxiety? I slept.
Yup. I slept through the flight like a baby! Didn’t even wake up for anything. I just slept!
But the real and final test was not over yet. Thailand immigration has the final say whether I am allowed in their beautiful country.
As the plane touched down, I did not slow down but rushed towards the immigration counter. All I wanted was to get this over with. Whether I am allowed or not, at least I’ll know.
Now, here I am. Standing in front of the women who will determine the course of my life.
Whether I will be make fun for the rest of my life or I will be able to shop till I drop for the next four days will be determine by this women who totally ignore the spell I tried to cast with my smile.
*Stamped stamped* She stamped my passport and placed it on the counter.
Oh my God! She stamped my passport! She STAMPED my passport! This is it! THIS IS IT!
I was overwhelmed! Overjoyed till I was speechless and couldn’t just stop smiling.
The women who had no idea what was going on, looked at me and signal me to leave her counter so that she can continue her work instead of looking at this crazy women smiling for no apparent reasons.
THANK YOU LORD! Was my first reaction.
And that, guys, was the beginning of my first solo trip adventure.
I’m really grateful for Air Asia ground staff who went the extra mile to double confirm if is okay for me to fly especially the ground staff at the boarding gate which I totally forgotten to write down his name. My bad.
Moral of this story?
Don’t be a fool like me and check your passport’s validity before you fly. As far as I know 6 months validation is ESSENTIAL.
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