If the phrase raining cats and dogs are derived from the wight of the rain on an opened umbrella, then the weather right now is raining ants and bed bugs. Not heavy, just drizzling. The wind blow in such a way that makes everyone feel sleepy. 'Thank God I don't have to drive today' she thought to herself while waiting by the bus stop.
She stood out among all those who are waiting together. With everyone in suits and ties and formal attire, she's the only one that look more casual wearing her favorite Puma shoes, with her striking green jeans and her favorite white long singlet.
U477, she keep recalling this meaningless combination of alphabet and number just in case she forgets it again and have to take out her phone to check from the print screen saved in her phone photo album. 'Man! Technology make humans dumb' this thought often comes to her mind and fool around.
Is been a while since she last took a bus. Why go waste time waiting when she can drive herself any where she wants to? If it wasn't for her brother sudden surprise and took her car, she would be back home by now sleeping. She looked at her watch, 20 minutes has passed and no sign of the bus that she could hopped onto.
Oh! Don't take her impatient as a sign of dislike towards bus rides. No no! She actually find it exciting to be able to take the bus again. All those memories she had and friendships formed on bus during her good old days can't be replaced by those lonely car ride on the road. She just feel sleepy,very sleepy. That's all.
The LED light of the bus obviously needs to be repaired, only U4 7 is visible. Somehow the other '7' is swollen by the faulty LED light. She grabs her bag and with some small change in hand, she step on to the bus. Looking at the LED light, she kind of miss the days when they write the numbers on a cardboard instead of this disappointing LED light.
The driver is a old uncle. Maybe in his sixties but he look young and energetic. He reminds her of her grandfather who used to come by and bring her presents. She smiled at him, paid for the ride and scan through the bus for empty seats.
To her surprise, the bus wasn't crowded at all. There were only few people on board. And her being her, took a clear look of every one of them.
There were 2 boys sitting at the first row on the left hand side of the bus. The one beside the window is a little boy with a spec in his school uniform. The unforgettable white shirt and blue shorts. Specky was reading some sort of comic book, maybe Detective Conan or some other Japanese comic. The other boy sitting next to him was a little bit chubby. He looks like a student from some other school as his pants was in dark purple instead of blue. He was holding some snacks in his hand, trying to get a peak on the comic book Specky is holding. 'So they weren't friends' She thought to herself. But just before her eyes glance to the other side, she saw something that made her smiled. Chubby handed over his snacks and offer it to Specky. Specky looked at him, took some chips for himself and offered to share his comic book with Chubby. A beautiful friendship is born.
On the other side of the bus and there was a girl sitting alone by the window enjoying the scenery that only nature could offer. With her hair neatly tied up into a pony tail, this young girl look like she's still studying in college, maybe in her 1st year at most 2nd year. This girl seems to enjoy whatever that she saw because once in a while, she would turn around and look back. Something interesting must had taken place. Her expression was precious as she reacted towards whatever that she saw. A smile on her face, maybe someone at the road side helped an old lady to carry her bags. Her face turned doleful, perhaps she just witnessed a breakup? Whatever it is, she seems like having a lot of fun!
Further down, maybe 3 rows behind the college girl was a mother with her little boy in his kindergarten uniform. The little boy was excitingly telling his mother about his day in school and how the bully in his classed was punished by the teacher today. The mom smiled and listened to the story attentively. Not only that, she even asked him for more details! The boy after all the story telling, started to pull out his artwork from his tiny little donkey school bag and showed it to his mom. She smiled at him, told him how proud she was and gave some advises on how he can draw better next time. What a bonding between a mom and son.
'Taman Reality! Taman Reality!' The voice of the bus driver woke her up! She was shocked and confused at the same time. When did the old uncle driver became a lady? She clumsily took up her bag and walk to the front. She passed by all the passengers and she caught a last glimpse of all of them before leaving the bus.
The mother and son who sat in front of her weren't talking to each other. The mom was busy reading the updates of her Facebook friends while her little boy was trying his best to catch her attention with his 100% Maths paper. But sadly, the mom just simply ignored him.
The girl sat by the window side wasn't looking out of the window. But her eyes couldn't even leave her phone screen for a second. Facebook? Instagram? or Candy Crush? Who knows! No one can tell from that stone expression of hers.
And as for Specky and Chubby who were sitting in front, weren't sharing the same comic book and snacks. But Chubby have his earphone on with loud music, loud enough to know that it is the famous hits by Miley Cyrus. Specky on the other hand busy sliding his finger on his iPad trying to kill some zombies or some other things.
She walked down from the bus and she stood at the bus stop sending the bus away with her eyes. She sigh. 'What a price to pay for the convenient of technology', she thought to herself.
She looked left and right before she cross the road and head back to her apartment.
What a shame. Bus rides are no longer an adventure.
'No way I'm doing this again'
Just my 2 cents worth on the change technology has brought to us. Mainly smart phones.
So sad that people no longer enjoy the companion of each other but they rather spend their time and energy on the cold, emotionless devise.
People no longer take courage to make new friends when surrounded with strangers but they rather find comfort and hide their feel of awkwardness with their Facebook likes and Instagram photos.
Some no longer enjoy the moment but busy capturing the moment which they had failed to enjoy. Ironic isn't it?
Technology oh technology, how I hate and love you at the same time.
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