What's my goal?

Friday, April 25, 2014

What's my goal?

I've been asking myself this question every now and then for the past few weeks.
And it worked like a charm for me.

Let me explain.

In everything that we do, we have our own goals. Don't we?

I study hard so that my parents can be proud of me.
I work OT so that my seniors would appreciate me.
I post this on FB, so that I can get more likes.
I'll be friendly, so that people will like me.
and so on... ... ...

But what if my parents didn't felt proud?
What if my seniors hate me?
What if I get nasty comments?
What if people think that I'm fake?
and so on... ...

You see, the goals I set might not be bad.
But they are totally WRONG!


Because just as we cannot control the weather, we cannot control how people react to us as well.
It is in no way wise for us to expect others to do what we want them to do.
And when they don't, we feel disappointed, hurt and sad.

We should only set goals according to the things that we can control.
And the only thing we can control is what we do.

Our goal must not depends on what we hope others will do or respond, but on our own behaviors and actions.

So how has this worked for me?

Remember my drama performance for Easter?

During our last rehearsal, I was very nervous.
So I took a deep breath and asked myself, what is my goal?

To please Pastor and have everyone say I'm a good actor?
or just to have fun and perform my best?

The first goal is out of my control. Because I can't force certain reaction from people!
Is not like there's a button for me to push or something.

But the second goal is under my control. I can memorize my lines, practice my posture, having the right emotions and etc.

And once I got my goal right, the nervous feeling shift to excitement.

Nervous, anger and frustration are good indicators for us.
Most of the time these emotions arise due to blocked goals.
And a goal can only be blocked when it is not under our own control.

When we can't control it, we've chose the wrong goal!
We should always choose goals which are under our own control.

We have the choice.

People do not have power over us unless we let them have it.
So, learn to make goals that are under your control.
Do not give chance to the enemy!

Above all, the one and only goal we should have is to please God.
Nothing in this world can ever stop us from achieving that!
Because no matter what, it is our choice to please Him.

Case in point.

You know working with different people is easy.
And I struggle with that all the time!

There are people who pissed me off on a daily basis.
But I've learn to not hold grudge over her.
Because to please God is to forgive.
Is not easy, but I'm learning.
And I'm happier now.

There were times when people say things that's not pleasing as well.
So I asked "God, what's their goal behind that comment?"

If their goal is same as mine, to be excellent, then I'll take a minute and reconsider what they've said.
But if their goal is against mine, to put me down or to make me feel ashamed, then it is only pleasing to God for me to forget what they've said and forgive them.

Never ever lose your peace over what other people does. 
Lose it only when you displeased God.

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