A wish granted

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

While Oyan Lok is busy sleeping every minute that she can during our trip to Singapore, I managed to finish the book "For One More Day" by Mitch Albom.

I'm not surprised that I can finish it so fast, because from my past experience his book is just so easy to read and very very addicting as well!
I constantly feel the need to know the ending.

"OMG! What will happen next?"

This book is so awesomely written until I went Google to find out if the character is fiction or not.
Of course, it's fiction. >< 

Children forget that sometimes. They think of themselves as a burden instead of a wish granted ~Pg. 73

When a lost loved one appears before you, it’s your brain that fights it, not your heart. ~Pg. 78

Sometimes, kids want you to hurt the way they hurt. ~Pg. 89

When someone is in your heart, they're never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times. ~Pg. 145

One thing I take away from this book is that we should never lie and we should never hide the truth.
Think about it, what if he knew the truth about his father?

Some people think that by not telling the brutal truth, they are doing a favour to their loves one.
But the reality might be contrary. 

The damage of not knowing the truth may be greater than the consequences of telling the truth.

Some truth is hard to swallow. 
But living under a lie or in a lie brings greater pain.
Don't you think so?

Do your loves one a favour one and tell them the truth.
Do yourself a favour by getting ready to hear the truth.

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