This might sound weird, but I always wanted to keep my friends in their "own categories".
You know the famous quote for investment?
Never put all your eggs in the same basket.
I applied it to my social life.
I have this insecurity for them to intersect each other.
I think is because I need a "safe zone".
If I have any disagreement with my church friends, I can “find refuge” with my University friends.
Vise versa.
In a way, it's "safer" and I'll never be alone.
Because of this, I can be a bit "mysterious" or disconnected with each of them.
I don't share my work life with my friends, and I don't share my private life with my colleagues.
I hide different things from them.
And I "hide" them from each other.
The fact that I had so many blogs proves how much I fear letting everyone knowing everything.
One of the main reason I keep changing my blog URL is because there's someone from a certain "category" was reading and I don't want that.
And as you can see, living life the way I had was pretty miserable.
I think I had this hidden fear that people will gather around and criticism me behind my back.
Then, I had this revelation.
That one day all of us will be in heaven and we are all one big family.
So, why should I keep them away from each other?
And I’ve come to learn to look past other’s ridicule and criticism
Because is out of my control. [read here]
Besides, God is the ultimate judge.
Whatever people thinks or says about me doesn't matter.
*Is easy for me to say, but is hard to apply it in life.*
I'm trying my very best.
I will never be perfect, but constantly on the road to perfection.
I don't have to hide my dreams from my colleagues.
I don't have to hide my frustration from my church friends.
I don't have to hide my reckless ambitious from my university friends.
And most importantly, I don't have to hide them from each other.
And so, this was my first time sharing about my work and dream to church through a short interview with Fuzzy Logic.
I even shared what's my dream.
Honestly I struggled when I saw this question, because only a few in this world knew about it.

I'm slowly breaking down the wall I've built.
And now...
p.s: They are having another batch of SSFuzzyLogic Volume 4. Do grab it tomorrow while stock lasts!
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