Is my dream story again

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sometimes you dream dreams that you won't remember once you are awake.

But sometimes you dream dreams that haunt you for a while and make you think for a bit.

Something had been going around my mind for the past month.
And I have decided if THAT ever happen, I will be bold and tell the truth.

Easy to say, hard to do.

Even though it took place in my dream, but it felt very real to me.
I was cautiously avoiding telling the truth when confronted.

I was afraid.
I panicked.

This got me thinking.

What changed?
What makes me afraid now?
Why am I not bold anymore?

Then I realized I've drifted away.
My focus was no longer on HIM but the demands around me.
Work, people, commitments, rejections and misunderstandings.

I got to keep reminding myself...

No matter what happen in the future, He is in control.
No matter what others said about me, He is the only one that matters.
No matter how others misunderstand me, He is the one I should please.
No matter what needed to be given up, He is more than enough for me.

My reputation is not mine. Is His.

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