my love for leggings!

Friday, March 13, 2015

When I first knew about leggings, I resisted it.
I didn’t think that such obvious portray of the shape of our legs are pretty.
So I never tried it, never wore it.

On top of that, my friends laughed at me when I first wore leggings.
I wore because my friends decided to doll up for a drink.
I had nothing “pretty” in my wardrobe.
The only cloths you’ll find is baggy jeans, shorts and t-shirts.
So my friend lend me her leggings and a pretty green top.
Though they say I looked good in it, but nonetheless they laughed at me.
That’s what friends are for. ;]

One of them decided to intervene with my wardrobe crisis and brought me shopping.
We saw one legging and I tried it on.
It was the worst experience ever!
S was too small and M was too big!
Again, they laughed at me.

Until last year when I went to Thailand with Oyan, H&M had sales.
Legging was only 100 Bath.
So I got one and the rest is history.

I regretted getting one so late because they are by far the most comfy pants I ever wore.
I have 6 leggings in total.
And I can't wait to get more!

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