Work life balance?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

For the past few weeks, I’ve been in this turmoil whereby I’m so uncertain about my future.

I’ve been in my current NGO for almost 2 years now and I decided to jump back into corporate.
Is not an easy decision and I still have my doubt and struggles about it every now and then.

I went to another interview the other day and the interviewer said what I have right now is “work life balance”.

I nodded at him politely at that time but after giving some thoughts into it, I wonder if what I have right now is “work life balance”?
If it is really “work life balance” then why do I feel agitated and have been wanting to move on?
If this is really “work life balance”, then did I made the wrong move by deciding to go back to the corporate world?

In my current job, there is no doubt that I have a lot of time to spare because I work on time and leave on time.
There is indeed a balance of time spent at work and at home.
But the thing is, I had almost ZERO sense of fulfilment from my job.
Yes, I know I’m helping the children and all, but there’s something lacking.

Part of me feel that I can give more than just entering data and processing queries.
It had become so routine that I don’t feel like I’m learning anything and I’ve lost the passion to learn anything new.
Because what I have right now is sufficient for me to slide by my work everyday.
Work had become just work without purpose.
Is really dreadful.

My friends in corporate envy the free time that I have.
Well, I appreciate that as well.
But to go home everyday and couldn't even recall what I’ve done is a creepy feeling.
I got sick of it and that’s why I decided to make that move, to shift to corporate.

The interviewer also said to me that once I’m in corporate, there’s no more time for me to do my hobby or even pursue my dreams.

I once thought the same, but recently my mindset of this changed.
I think I can do both and my work is not independent from my dream but is integrated together.
What I’ve learn from my job can help me in my dream and what I do for my dream is a channel to release stress so that I won’t be too overwhelmed by work.

At the end of the day, I think “work life balance” is really not purely about time allocation.
But it also includes sense of fulfilment in whatever you do, be it at work or during your free time.

Of course, this is me talking from my imagination of how corporate life will be.
I’ll soon put this to test and see how it work out.

I know in everything, God will be with me because I’m His precious little daughter! :)
Wish me all the best!

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