It was a blissful Thursday morning when I was preparing myself to meet Pearl for lunch.
While I was scrolling through Facebook, I saw a post about a girl living out my dream.
Yes! mine! not hers!
On my way to our meeting point, I did what I always do.
I complained to God.
Questioning Him why others can have such lucky breaks, when I don't.
But unlike any other days, that day, my mindset changed.
Instead of kept complaining, diminishing myself and kept thinking I'm not good enough, I thought to myself "Hey, doesn't that put me in a better position to achieve my dreams?"
Though it didn't happen to me (yet), but aren't the current me in a better position to achieve that dream?
It didn't stop there.
My mind had been preoccupied with some unnecessary stuff for the past few weeks.
After meeting up with Pearl and Riz and agreeing to help them on their brand, my mind suddenly switched to another mode.
Instead of thinking those unnecessary thoughts and being disturbed by it, my mind started to be filled with ideas and excitement!
Something that had been gone for a while.
And it still didn't stop there.
I went to collect my SCMKL kit after that and I got lost on my way back because my phone was out of battery.
I was pouring out to God and telling Him about what I've been thinking lately.
Suddenly a thought popped up
"If you die tomorrow, will you have regretted the time(way) you spent the past few days?"
My answer was NO.
I enjoyed every single moment of it!
I've been drawing a lot, doodling and also meeting up with people.
And I enjoy doing all of that!
It didn't stop here.
Another question came to mind
"When you look back 3 years from now, will you regret?"
And my answer was YES.
Because I'm not having enough "fun" during this transition.
I mean, other than just drawing and lettering, there's actually so much more that I have in mind but for some reasons, I wasn't doing any of it!
And so I decided I shall do more.
How? I didn't know.
But it didn't stop there.
That very night when I was trying to get some sleep after such a long day, I couldn't.
I just couldn't because there was a flow of ideas running through my mind and my heart play along by being very excited about it.
And thus, the birth of weekly challenge.
How does it work?
Watch this!
Ah~ The ripple effect of a changed mind.
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