Thank You, JESUS

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I used to be very afraid of making mistake.

I would never look pass it. No matter how small it is.

I would try my best to correct it before anyone finds out.

But the more I try, the worst it gets.

So I try to hide it.

And act like everything is perfect. Even though is not.

And when it is exposed, I try to blame others.

It was tough to hide it all.

Because God knows I'm not perfect.

And I did something most people do.
I built a wall around me.

Because if no one can come in, no one can see things.

But it was lonely... and sad.

Until someone decided to make a change.

He taught me to break down the wall.

And let people see. Even though I'm still afraid.

But he told me is ok.

Because every mistakes, every past and every fear had been taken by Him.

And I no longer need to be afraid. Because He covers me.

Whatever fear and mistakes, I can just give it to him.

And I need to live for Him only.

Thank you Jesus.


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