If you follow me on my social media, you would have seen this book a thousand times.

Yup! I've finally finish reading "This Was Your Life!" by Rick Howard and Jamie Lash.
I found out about this book through a daily devotional email and ever since then, I wanted to get hold of it but couldn't find it any where in Malaysia.
And Oyan Lok being Oyan Lok got this book for me through MPH and I can never thank her enough for this because God had amazingly spoken to me through this book.
You know, you'll always learn something from books like this.
But how often will you experience the exact same thing that the chapter is talking about?
And before you realize it, the next time you pick up the book and read the next chapter, it speaks directly again to this new phase that you are going through.
I experience this with this book and is really amazing!
I totally fit into some of the stories told in the book and it had helped my walk with God.
As you can see from the picture above, there's a lot of hidden gems in this book.
I tried to limit myself to share 10 things that still pierce my heart, but I found 24.
I did my best by cutting down another 10, so in total 14.
God does not expect me to be adequate, nor does He require this of me. What He requires is for me to look past myself to Christ, the all sufficient One, and rejoice in Him. I do not have to strive to be perfect anymore. I can rest. Christ lives in me, and He is everything I will ever need Him to be. ~ Pg. 37
There is a reason for us to be alive-namely, to please and glorify Him. ~ Pg. 60
When I stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ, I will stand there alone, unable to point to the failings of others. God will not hod me accountable for what others have done, only for what I have done. At the judgement "every mouth [will] be stopped" (Romans 3:19). There will be o excuses. No self-justification. No blame shifting. We are responsible to obey God regardless of what anybody else does. ~ Pg. 65
The fear of God liberates, the fear of man ensnares. ~ Pg. 83
Preoccupied with self, regardless of the form it takes, is pride. ~ Pg. 85
Anxiety is never justified because anxiety is based on pride. ~ Pg. 90
Vengeance, Joseph knew, is something God reserves for Himself. ~ Pg. 110
If we charge God for being injustice or unkindness, we are being both unbelievably arrogant and completely inaccurate. ~ Pg. 112
The phrase No, Lord is a contradiction in terms. If we say "no" to the Lord, then He is not our Lord. ~ Pg. 113
Everything good starts with respect for God. Satan constantly call God's character into question, knowing that all sin begins with the suspicion that God is not good. ~Pg. 116
The real boss is standing alongside you ever moment of your life. ~ Pg. 123
Significant vision precedes significant success. Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. ~ Pg. 127
Those who really love God are mindful of His love for them. Being aware of God's love causes us to trust Him, even in adversity. ~ Pg. 141
Jesus died to pay sin's penalty for us and rose again to make a relationship with God possible. Now God can justly offer forgiveness to those who would otherwise spend eternity in hell. Good people do not go to heaven; only forgiven people do. ~ Pg. 158
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