16 more to go

Sunday, November 3, 2013

FINALLY have time to sit and blog!!!!

Somehow I have lesser time to blog despite of the flexibility of this current job.
I think is because of my involvement in church.

Honestly speaking, I never thought I would ever be a Christian.
But that's a story to be shared another day.

Today, I wanna talk about my hair!
*Yes! I'm still in the excitement of it!*

I secretly planned to cut my hair on Thursday night before my cell group outing. 
Honestly speaking, the IDEAL hairstyle that I wanted was SHORT SHORT SHORT like Emma Watson!
You see how she rock the hairstyle!

Sadly, people have the illusion that short-hair-girl = tomboy. 
Oh please grow up! My hairstyle doesn't determine my personality or character. 
I'm still me.

You seriously think she don't look hot in this picha?

So please stop judging a book by its cover.
I like my short hair look. *teehee*

The reaction I get is 2 extreme. One group loves it. The other keep asking me why I cut my hair short. LOL
I told them is because my hair keep falling. In a way is true, in another is not. 
I just hated my long hair look, I feel my face is all covered up. 
Now you can see my beautiful bone structure. 

So a big big THANK YOU for those who complement my new hairstyle! It really makes my day!

A little #OOTD from me

Dressed up a little and had some makeup on for church today!
I'm a pretty girl! *And shameless too! haha*

Oh! By the way, any good saloon to introduce?
*Or sponsors*
My hairstylist refused to cut my hair shorter and wasn't concentrating at all when she's cutting my hair.
 I'm pretty disappointed because I've been her loyal customer for almost 2 years now. 

Oh well, change is the only constant. 
So do drop me a comment if you have any saloon in mind! 


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