A step of faith

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

As mentioned in my previous post, my current job is not really what I expected it to be. After working there for several months, I got used to it and did not mind continue working there. But during my trip to Myanmar, I received an e-mail from a company that I never expected and they want to conduct an interview with me for a job opening!

Although I did not know the job description, I was still pretty excited to go for the interview!

Unexpectedly, after I came back from Myanmar another company also offered me another job, and want me in for an interview.

I don't see any reason for me to turn down any opportunities so I went for both interviews.

To cut the long story short, I rejected the second company due to their high commitment. I cannot imagine myself missing all church meetings because of work so I choose to say no.

The first company's job is pretty routine, in fact it does not have anything related to what I've studied and what I've been doing. Which I take as a plus point because from my experience, I don't really like the corporate world. I'm not saying they are not good, I just don't fit in. But then again, because is a pretty routine job, I might get bored and it might not add as much value to my portfolio as my current job.

It was really a struggle for me to choose whether or not to take up the offer. But then I was reminded of what I want to do in my life. What my passion is really about and I got to take risk, take a step of faith and just see what will happen.

Until now I don't know if my decision is right or wrong. But I feel that this job could offer me a lot to learn for me to achieve my dream.

So yes, I tendered my resignation letter and signed the offer letter.

Month of July is a month of change and opportunities! And I thank God for that!

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