2 more days and it will be my 2 weeks anniversary in my current company. LOL Although I've been in the company for a while now, I'm still in the orientation period. Still have a lot to learn and "classes" to attend.
The thing I like about this company is that everyone got to learn what everyone else is doing. So you know you are not a lone ranger that can function by yourself and you will have a clear picture on what others are doing.
One of the things that caught my attention in one of the orientation is the fact that there are wisdom in sending/receiving letters. Don't believe me? Let me give you a lesson on the Fun Facts About Envelopes.
Fun Fact #1 : Do you know that if you did not paste enough postage, the
recipient is fined?
My company receives a lot of mails from all around the country. I believe those who are willing to take their time and mail whatever documents to us have good intention. But what they do not know is this, sometime they do not have the right amount of stamp on it and our company will need to bear the extra cost. So do check with the post office before you send it out.
As for my company, if we did not have paste enough postage, the letter will be returned back to us. So this might only be applicable to companies.
But still, check before you send!
Fun Fact #2 : Do you know that there are 2 types of post? Standard and Non-standard.
Because of the nature of my company, we send out a lot of letters everyday. So is very important for us to minimize our postage cost. Standard mails are cheaper compare to non-standard mail.
There are many criteria to look into the mail when it comes to differentiating them into standard or non-standard mail. The most amusing of all would be the below.
Fun Fact #3 : Do you know that brown colored envelope is consider as non-standard mail?
Yup! You read it right! Apparently the envelope that we usually use is considered as non-standard mail!
The "Standard" envelope should be in light color like this:
And other colors like these are not allowed:
Honestly speaking is very subjective whether a color is consider as light color or not. So, to be at the save side, is better to use white envelope. Save your time from arguing if a color is light or not. XD
Other things that take into consideration whether a mail is standard or non-standard is the size of the envelope, the thickness and the weight of the mail. Which I find it pretty boring to share them here. ><
To know more about it just check out the Pos Malaysia Website.
And NO, this is NOT a advertorial post!
Super LOVE the outfit I wore the other day to Mid-Valley.
Scarf :: Bonita
Top :: WEE (Facebook Online Shop)
Bracelet :: Padini
Jeans:: Kitschen
Shoes:: Puma
Bag (Left) :: Crumpler
Bag (Right) :: Brands Outlet
Super LOVE the outfit I wore the other day to Mid-Valley.

Scarf :: Bonita
Top :: WEE (Facebook Online Shop)
Bracelet :: Padini
Jeans:: Kitschen
Shoes:: Puma
Bag (Left) :: Crumpler
Bag (Right) :: Brands Outlet
Anyone have modelling job to offer? XD
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