Sunday, August 3, 2014

I couldn't ask for a better full stop for my July 2014.

 Untitled #12

God just proves to me again that nothing happens without a reason at His watch.
With Him planning my schedule, I really have nothing to worry about. ^^

My last trip in July was a trip to Singapore for our bible school alumni gathering.
I met so many of my bible school mates, which (to be honest) I have not kept in touch with.
But is so good to meet and update each other on what's going on in our lives.

Travelling with MRT, walking here and there, queuing up for seats and booking seats really bring back a lot of my bible school days memories.
Though lot of things had changed, but some still remains the same!
Thank God!

The church arranged a small little SunTec tour for overseas students.
They also explain to us how church is really engaging the marketplace while benefiting the members at the same time.
I'm just so glad to be part of the church!

Though I've been there once after their renovation, but they brought us to places that we normally don't go.
Places like the children church rooms, nursery and THE STAGE!!!

I stood at the spot where pastors normally preach from!!!!! XD


And I almost drown in the pile of balls.

We also had 2 services with Pastor Kong for our alumni gathering.
I was super blessed by the message Pastor Kong shared. 
God really spoke to me through him and the presence of God was so tangible!
I cried my eyes out surrendering to God! TT

Last weekend was also City Harvest Singapore 25th anniversary!
They had a special service with a special item for Pastor Kong.
Some of the key leaders and main disciples of Pastor Kong went up to share their heart to him, and the last one who shared is none other than Sun.
It was a really REALLY touching service.
Without Pastor Kong's obedience and love to God, many of us might not be where we are today.
And I'm certainly one of them.
I'm forever grateful for Pastor.
Though he doesn’t know me personally, but I'm one of the small little fruits out of his ministry. ^^

Of course July didn't end without MY BIRTHDAY!!!

On the very first second of 28 July 2014, I was laying on my bed playing Sudoku! LOL
Totally enjoyed the chill and relax day with my parents back in my hometown and I also have my mom's cheese pie cake for my birthday!

Though I didn't get many presents and wishes this year, I feel really blessed for the people around me and for God, for the things that He taught me and revealed to me, for the things that we've been through together and His love.

Happy 24th birthday to me!


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