We can, but we don't need to.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

I think after a while of following Jesus, we tend to fall into this mode where all we can think is what we can and cannot do as a Christian.

I've been through that season as well. It wasn't easy.
I wanted to "quit" following Jesus as my life before that seems "better".
But that's the problem, how can life without Jesus be better than a life with Jesus?
Didn't the bible say that His yoke is easy?

Somehow we forget. We forget that Jesus came not to enforce another set of rules but to set us free.
Jesus died, so that we can see the Father.

Is easy to be caught up in serving and into a list of do’s and don'ts.
Is easy for us to forget that what matters the most is not our doing.
Is easy for us to think that we must do something to achieve another.
Is also easy to forget that God is bigger than us and He is in control.

Abba let me know that without my doing, He still can run the world.
He told me that, not because He wants me to be lazy.
He just wants me to slow down so I can focus on Him.

I love love love spending time with God.
Though I'm not doing much and seem pretty "unproductive" but I have this relationship with God that no one can steal away from me.

I know the world had educated me that money is important, use your time and strength to earn more so that you can have a secure future.
But who can guarantee that I will ever have enough money?

1,000? 10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000?

I can have 1,000,000 and still have not enough when I face a 2,000,000 problem.
You get what I mean?

My time and strength is limited.
One day I'll age and one day I'll die.

So why do I use what is limited to chase after what is unlimited?
Besides, the things of this world belong to my Father.
And I'm His child.

To me, no money, no serving can ever replace God.
A genuine relationship with God is the most wonderful and amazing thing one can ever experience.

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