What to do?

Friday, August 29, 2014

Sometimes I wonder, how I should decide on the things of my life.
Though many say that is your life and you got to live it the way you want it to be, but I can't help but to realize that almost all the decision that I make will have an impact on others as well.

As much as I act like a lone ranger, my life is not exclusive from others.
But somehow in some way are connected to a lot of different people.
Friends, family, colleagues and some other people.

My decision affects them, and theirs affect me as well.

I'm again at this cross road where I felt compelled to take some action but afraid to take such a big move and affect others.

We are somehow trained to only believe and take action when everything is known and risk is at the minimum.
But what if I want to do something risky?
What if I want to do something out of the ordinary?
What if the only reason I want to change is because I am compelled by His love?

Ok. I digressed.

But no matter what will happen to them they will eventually get it over with right?
I always believe that human are highly flexible beings.

Don't you think human beings are just mysterious?
No one will die without someone, but there's an impact to it.

But I'm not worried if they can still live without me.
I'm just thinking what will happen to our relationship when I really decided to take the step of faith?
Because I foresee many will not understand why and will go against it with good intention.
And I don't want to be a burden to them.

I really don't.

Argh! How lar!

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