Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Exactly one week ago, we came back from Bangkok and I never stop working since.

Though I still get enough sleep throughout the week, but I’m still very tired.
Just now after dinner, I just KOed and I couldn’t even get myself out of bed! LOL

And now I finally got the time to just sit down and blog!
Ah~ How I missed blogging~ 

I’m not going to share on my 12 days at Bangkok, but I’m gonna share the book I’ve completed reading during my Bkk trip! XD
This is a book recommended by many to understand man.
As the cover book says, “Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul”.

Honestly speaking, it did open my mind to something that I’ve never notice before.
And I think it help me better understand why things are the way it is today.

If you are a man, there’s no doubt that this is a good book to read!
If you are a woman like me, you’ll benefit from this book as well!

So as usual, I’m gonna share some extract from this book which captivated my heart!

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

Eve was created within the lush beauty of Eden’s garden. But Adam, if you’ll notice, was created from the earth itself, from clay. In the record of our beginnings, the second chapter of Genesis makes it clear: man was born from the outback, from the untamed part of creation. Afterward he is brought to Eden. And ever since then boys have never been at home indoors, and men have had an insatiable longing to explore. ~p.g. 4

God gave us eyes so that we might see; he gave us ears that we might hear; he gave us wills that we might choose, and he gave us hearts that we might live. The way we handle the heart is everything. A man must know he is powerful, he must know he has what it takes. A woman must know she is beautiful; she must know she is worth fighting for. ~p.g. 18

Does Jesus tiptoe around the issue next time, so as not to “rock the boat” (the preference of so many of our leaders today)? Does he drop the subject in order to “preserve church unity”? Nope. He walks right into it, he baits them, he picks a fight. ~ p.g. 26

“In our fear that no one will speak on our behalf or protect us or fight for us, we start to recreate both ourselves and our role in the story. We manipulate our surroundings so we don’t feel so defenseless.” Fallen Eve either becomes rigid or clingy. Put simple, Eve is no longer simply inviting. She is either hiding in busyness or demanding that Adam come through for her; usually, an odd combination of both. ~ p.g. 54

“The ancient societies believed that a boy becomes a man only through ritual and effort- only through the active intervention of the older men,’” Bly remind us. The father or another man must actively intervene and the mother must let go. ~ p.g. 69

And every wound, whether it’s assaultive or passive, delivers with it a message. The message feels final and true, absolutely true, because it is delivered with such force. Our reaction to it shapes our personality in very significant way. From that flows the false self. ~p.g. 74

Yes, Scripture teaches the wise use of strength and the power of forgiveness. But you cannot teach a boy to use his strength by stripping him of it. Jesus was able to retaliate, believe me. But he chose not to. And yet we suggest that a boy who is mocked, shamed before his fellows, stripped of all power and dignity should stay in that beaten place because Jesus wants him there? You will emasculate him for life. From that point on all will be passive and fearful, never knowing if he is a man indeed. Oh yes, he will be courteous, sweet even, deferential, minding all his manners. It may look moral, it may look like turning the other cheek, but it is merely weakness. You cannot turn a cheek you do not have. ~p.g. 81- 82

Do you know why there’s been such an assault? The Enemy fears you. You are dangerous big-time. If you ever really got your heart back, living from it with courage, you would be a huge problem to him. You would do a lot of damage… on the side of good. Remember how valiant and effective God has been in the history of the world? You are stem of that victorious stalk. ~ p.g. 90

He created Adam for adventure, battle and beauty; he created us for a unique place in his story and he is committed to bringing us back to the original design. ~p.g.105

We must reverse Adam’s choice, we must choose God over Eve. We must take our ache to him. For only in God will we had the healing of our wound. ~ p.g. 119

A man must have a battle to fight, a great mission to his life that involves and yet transcends even home and family. He must have a cause to which he is devoted even unto death, for this is written into the fabric of his being. Listen carefully now: you do. That is why God created you- to be his intimate ally, to join him in the Great Battle. You have a specific place in the line, a mission God made you for. ~ p.g. 143

But that’s not why you love her -  to get a good grade. You love her because that’s what you are made to do; that’s what a real man does. ~ p.g. 192

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~p.g. 202

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