Time Capsule

Thursday, January 23, 2014

During our first CG meeting of 2014, Shirley did something pretty interesting.
She asked all of us to write down our goals and plans for this brand new year.
And once we are done, she collected all of them and locked it in a box.
She said she will give it back to us at the end of the year.
I've watched a lot of movies/ drama with this thing call time capsule but I never really tried it before.
I always though how cool it is to have a letter from the 5 or 10 or 30 years ago me.
I think you will never how it is until you really try it. So maybe I should write something to the future me too! So that when the time comes, I could experience that thrill and excitement.
Coming back to what we did in CG. I forget what I've written the moment I put the paper into the box. I know right! I have pretty short-term memory too! *Something that I hate!*

Some of the members don't know what to write. So we all just throw in suggestions. And one of it is to stop bullying me! LOL

Cause I was leading games that day and man! It wasn't easy at all! Is even more stressful than my work!

THANK YOU members! You've did well proving that is more stressful to lead games than to work! ><

But come to think of it now, working is more stressful. But that's another story for another day.

Anyway, I think I won't go wrong as long as I'm with God throughout the year.


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